70x60 cm.
canvas, oil, charcoal, oil pastel
In my painting, I explore the inner freedom of a person's personality. A person is born, gets a name, and ceases to be a person from that moment and forgets himself.
Every day, a person, like a computer, is loaded with information about what to eat, how to walk, how to behave, what can and cannot be done, what to wear, what to read, what profession to get, how many children to have. As a result, a person loses the main thing - himself. And, when realizing this fact, freedom, silence, and inner calmness come. A person can only forget everything he has loaded into himself earlier and find himself. In my paintings, I try to catch the moment of "now," where there is no past or future. It is a moment of inner insight and liberation, awakening the soul to its inner freedom and bringing joy and harmony. A moment in which a person gets a chance to find himself.
Every day, a person, like a computer, is loaded with information about what to eat, how to walk, how to behave, what can and cannot be done, what to wear, what to read, what profession to get, how many children to have. As a result, a person loses the main thing - himself. And, when realizing this fact, freedom, silence, and inner calmness come. A person can only forget everything he has loaded into himself earlier and find himself. In my paintings, I try to catch the moment of "now," where there is no past or future. It is a moment of inner insight and liberation, awakening the soul to its inner freedom and bringing joy and harmony. A moment in which a person gets a chance to find himself.
70x60 cm.
canvas, oil, charcoal, oil pastel
In my painting, I explore the inner freedom of a person's personality. A person is born, gets a name, and ceases to be a person from that moment and forgets himself.
Every day, a person, like a computer, is loaded with information about what to eat, how to walk, how to behave, what can and cannot be done, what to wear, what to read, what profession to get, how many children to have. As a result, a person loses the main thing - himself. And, when realizing this fact, freedom, silence, and inner calmness come. A person can only forget everything he has loaded into himself earlier and find himself. In my paintings, I try to catch the moment of "now," where there is no past or future. It is a moment of inner insight and liberation, awakening the soul to its inner freedom and bringing joy and harmony. A moment in which a person gets a chance to find himself.
Every day, a person, like a computer, is loaded with information about what to eat, how to walk, how to behave, what can and cannot be done, what to wear, what to read, what profession to get, how many children to have. As a result, a person loses the main thing - himself. And, when realizing this fact, freedom, silence, and inner calmness come. A person can only forget everything he has loaded into himself earlier and find himself. In my paintings, I try to catch the moment of "now," where there is no past or future. It is a moment of inner insight and liberation, awakening the soul to its inner freedom and bringing joy and harmony. A moment in which a person gets a chance to find himself.
70x60 cm.
canvas, oil, charcoal, oil pastel
In my painting, I explore the inner freedom of a person's personality. A person is born, gets a name, and ceases to be a person from that moment and forgets himself.
Every day, a person, like a computer, is loaded with information about what to eat, how to walk, how to behave, what can and cannot be done, what to wear, what to read, what profession to get, how many children to have. As a result, a person loses the main thing - himself. And, when realizing this fact, freedom, silence, and inner calmness come. A person can only forget everything he has loaded into himself earlier and find himself. In my paintings, I try to catch the moment of "now," where there is no past or future. It is a moment of inner insight and liberation, awakening the soul to its inner freedom and bringing joy and harmony. A moment in which a person gets a chance to find himself.
Every day, a person, like a computer, is loaded with information about what to eat, how to walk, how to behave, what can and cannot be done, what to wear, what to read, what profession to get, how many children to have. As a result, a person loses the main thing - himself. And, when realizing this fact, freedom, silence, and inner calmness come. A person can only forget everything he has loaded into himself earlier and find himself. In my paintings, I try to catch the moment of "now," where there is no past or future. It is a moment of inner insight and liberation, awakening the soul to its inner freedom and bringing joy and harmony. A moment in which a person gets a chance to find himself.